No Limits Academy (NLA) - Release of Liability & Waiver Form

I understand that exercise, training and using fitness equipment are potentially hazardous activities. I further understand that these activities involve risks of injury, aggravation of pre-existing conditions, and in the most severe situations, even death.  Furthermore, I acknowledge that exercise on the body cannot be predicted with complete accuracy and that injuries may occur during or following exercise that could lead to these complications and adversely affect my health.  These changes may include, among other effects, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, altered heart function, and possibly cardiac complications or stroke. 

I voluntarily assume all responsibility and liability for using the facilities, equipment, machinery and all exercise programs (including boxing) at No Limits Academy.  I assume all risks of injuries associated with participation including, but not limited to:  falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather (including high heat and/or humidity), COVID-19, and all other such risks being known and acknowledged by me (including fractures, head and spinal injuries).  

I am aware that a comprehensive medical examination by my doctor is necessary before starting an exercise program. I acknowledge that I have consulted with my physician to determine which, in any, physical activities, exercises, and training programs are not recommended for me. I acknowledge that I had a comprehensive physical examination by my doctor within the last 12 months and I have no restrictions for strenuous exercise or boxing participation. I have read and understand the following warning and notification: "If you are currently under a physician’s care for an injury, bleeding disorder, condition or illness, the No Limits Academy urges you to consult your physician before participating in any exercises, using any equipment, or participating in any program at NLA (which includes weight lifting and boxing)." 

I declare that I am physically fit, sound, and suffering from no condition, impairment, disability, disease, infirmity, or illness that should prevent my participation in any program and the use of any exercise equipment, including weight lifting and boxing. (Anyone who cannot commit that this statement is true and correct must see the NLA supervisor before using the facilities.)

Moreover, in consideration of being allowed the use all facilities, equipment, machinery and programs, I waive and release, now and forever, all claims and causes of action against NLA, its elected or appointed officers, agents, volunteers, employees, representatives, consultants, executors, and all others directly or indirectly connected with NLA,  from any and all personal injuries I sustain (including death or permanent disability), and any medical condition of any kind which results in any aggravation of a pre-existing medical condition, and any and all other damages or injuries which I sustain in any way from the direct or indirect result of my activities, exercise, training and participation in NLA activities.  I further hold NLA harmless for any personal property which is lost or stolen while using their facility.

Waiver and Permission for Transportation:

I give permission for my child to be transported in a motor vehicle driven by a representative of No Limits Academy. I understand that my child is expected to follow all applicable laws regarding riding in a motor vehicle and is expected to follow the directions provided by the driver and/or other adult volunteers. I have read, understand, and discussed with my child that: 

(1) They will be traveling in a motor vehicle driven by an adult and they are to wear their safety-belt while traveling; 

(2) They are expected to respect each other, the vehicles they ride in, and the people they travel with during the trip; 

(3) Riding in a motor vehicle may result in personal injuries or death from wrecks, collisions or acts by riders, other drivers, or objects; and 

(4) They are to remain in their seats and not be disruptive to the driver of the vehicle. 

I recognize that by participating in this activity, as with any activity involving motor vehicle transportation, my child may risk personal injury or permanent loss. I hereby attest and verify that I have been advised of the potential risks, that I have full knowledge of the risks involved in this activity, and that I assume any expenses that may be incurred in the event of an accident, illness, or other incapacity, regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. As a condition for the transportation received, I, for myself, my child, my executors and assigns, further agree to release and forever discharge No Limits Boxing Academy, its Board, and the coaches, from any claim that I might have myself or that I could bring on my child’s behalf with regard to any damages, demands or actions whatsoever, including those based on negligence, in any manner arising out of this transportation. I have read this entire waiver and permission form, fully understand it, and agree to be legally bound by its terms. 

Media Consent, Release and Waiver 

I hereby give consent to No Limits Boxing Academy to photograph, videotape, or otherwise digitally record and use images and/or sound recordings of myself or my child/children to use in any public media, including radio, television, internet, social media, print or in any of the organization’s or its partners’ publications, productions, or posts. I understand that the intended use of such images and information is solely for the purpose of advertising, marketing, fundraising and/or the promotional and public awareness purposes for the organization. I hereby waive any rights or interest in the images or recordings, as contemplated in this release. I acknowledge that this consent to use images and/or recordings is being made solely for the benefit of the organization and comes without any expectation of monetary compensation or other benefit to me. To the extent that any benefit accrues or might accrue to the organization from the use of images or information, I hereby and forever waive any interest in or claim to such benefits. I hereby release and forever discharge No Limits Boxing Academy from any and all claims, liability, actions, suits, demands, costs, expenses or indebtedness arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with the use of images and materials described herein, and I hereby waive all rights and interest in and to such information and materials. I further acknowledge that there is no guarantee that any or all of the participants’ images or recordings will be used in any released media. 



Release of Liability & Waiver Form

Waiver & Permission for Transportation

Media Consent, Release & Waiver

By my signature I indicate that I have read and understand this Waiver of Liability. I am aware that this is a Waiver & Release of Liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.